Here is a straighforward solution, not actually optimal, but good enough to do the job.
import itertools
drawers = [6, 16, 8, 10, 9]
total_height = 30
leeway = 16
for nb in range(1000):
# This optimization is not mandatory
if nb*min(drawers) > total_height:
for combination in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(drawers, nb):
if total_height - leeway <= sum(combination) <= total_height:
print(",".join(map(str, sorted(combination))))
16 6,16 6,8 6,10 6,9 8,16 10,16 9,16 8,8 8,10 8,9 10,10 9,10 9,9 6,6,6 6,6,16 6,6,8 6,6,10 6,6,9 6,8,16 6,8,8 6,8,10 6,8,9 6,10,10 6,9,10 6,9,9 8,8,8 8,8,10 8,8,9 8,10,10 8,9,10 8,9,9 10,10,10 9,10,10 9,9,10 9,9,9 6,6,6,6 6,6,6,8 6,6,6,10 6,6,6,9 6,6,8,8 6,6,8,10 6,6,8,9 6,6,9,9 6,8,8,8 6,6,6,6,6